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Key Drivers of Cyber Security

The talk Understanding the key drivers of cyber security will enable you to better navigate uncertainty and information overflow in cyber security, help you make better informed decisions, and ask relevant questions.


Talk Outline

In the last decade cyber security developed into a source of profound confusion and hype. Consumers and businesses are struggling to keep pace with the changes in the digital age where every new tomorow brings a flurry of new concerns and not a lot of tools to combat them. Stefan Frei introduces key threats and drivers behind cyber security from a historical, economic, social, as well as technological perspective. The overall objective is to provide insight into the topic and to enable the audience to make informed decisions and ask relevant questions about cyber security


Das Faszinierende am brillanten Referat war, dass Stefan Frei uns die Komlexität der Cyber-Welt auf eine Art vermitteln konnte, dass uns Laien plötzlich die berühmten Schuppen von den Augen fielen und wir Einblick in ein schier unermessliches Universum erhielten. Mit unzähligen, treffenden Beispielen aus unserem Alltag schlug er Brücken und führte uns über diese in seine Welt. Ein reicher, aussergewöhnlicher Abend mit einem begeisterndem Stefan Frei!

I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Stefan Frei – a respected authority on cyber security – talk at an event in Zurich and it really got me thinking about how fragile companies are and how exposed our personal data is. Dr. Frei underlines the development of technology and reminds us to think critically about the devices we use. Whereas we have little time to adapt or learn about new technologies, criminals can dedicate many resources in figuring out their vulnerabilities.